Top 5 Best Cretaceous Dinosaurs

 5. Ankylosaurus

Ankylosaurus was the most heavily armored dinosaur because of its armor and tail club.

It needed these defenses to protect its self from predators like Tyrannosaurus.

It's most likely Ankylosaurus would win a fight because Its tail club was so strong that it could shatter bone.

4. Gorgosaurus

Gorgosaurus was a vicious 8.6-meter long predator that dominated the U.S.A and Canada.

3. Pachyrhinosaurus

This Ceritopsian dinosaur lived in the cold north of the U.S.A.

2. Velociraptor 

In Jurassic Park Velociraptors are showed opening a door but actually, Velociraptors wouldn't have been able to do this because their hands stuck to the side, not downwards like a kangaroo.
Also, the Velociraptors in Jurassic Park are as large as a man, in reality, Velociraptors were the size of a turkey.

1. Iguanadon 
Iguanodon was named in 1825.
It used its thumb spike to defend its self and reach branches.
But sometimes it ended up as food for predators like Utahraptor...


  1. Another fact packed post! I like how you dispel fictional ideas about dinosaurs too.


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