Crocs And Rauisuchids


At 7 meters in length, not much would be able to harm a Saurosuchus.
It could hunt down large dicynodonts like Placerias.
However, it wasn't the only large rauisuchid...

If you thought Saurosuchus was bad, check out Postosuchus.
Postosuchus had a massive skull and ginormous teeth.
They weighed 300 kg.
An adult human-only weighs 80 kg.
Postosuchus means Crocodile from the post because its fossils were discovered in Post Quarry.
Despite its weapons and armor, Postosuchus went extinct.

We have seen the rauisuchids.
Now it's time for the crocodiles. 
The most enormous crocodile of all time was called Deinosuchus.
It may have eaten dinosaurs!
Deinosuchus measured 12 meters in length.
Like Postosuchus, Deinosuchus went extinct.


Parasuchus was a 2 meter long croc.
Even though Deinosuchus was bigger, Parasuchus was still a formidable hunter.
It ate fish.


