Top 5 Greatest Mammals

5.  Andrewsarchus

Andrewsarchus was a 4-meter long predator that hunted solo.

It may have had hooves.

4. Megatherium

At 6 meters long, Megathirium was the largest sloth ever.

It ate plants from the trees. 

3. Entelodont

Nicknamed the pig from hell, Entelodonts were a frightening sight.

They were the most feared predator of their time.

2. Woolly Mammoth

Wooly Mammoths traveled in herds across icy terrains.

Like the Megathirium, it ate plants.

1. Homo sapiens

We are Homo Sapiens.

We might be the smartest animal but we are also causing a mass extinction.

Because of climate change animals are dying.

We are responsible for this. 


